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Friday, April 29, 2022

Have An Excellent Friday

 My new release, an ambient, slow, simple piano waltz.


Mark said...

The only thing better than this would be a longer version of this.


Jim Sande said...

Thanks Mark - the present state of streaming places emphasis on short 2 minute tracks. It's like music in the 80s or something like that where everybody had to sound a certain way. The short sweet pieces are in demand at the moment.

Mark said...

That is soooo weird to hear that 'short is in'.

Streaming "any music ever recorded" in an instant should allow for expansiveness. What you describe is a contraction. In the 50s-60s radio tunes had to be 2 minutes or less. Things opened up over the 60's and by the 70's radio accommodated long tunes. I've always been a fan of brevity but haven't been that good at it. I think you are very good at saying a lot in small spaces.

The 80's were certainly very locked into a limited sonic spectrum, but what does it mean that things need to sound a certain way today? I don't get it.

Jim Sande said...

In the genre I'm attempting to get into, it's brief, it's very tonal, it's easy, it needs to draw you in a little bit, it's much less about being experimental, it's not about being a virtuoso, simplicity is valued, it's okay to use chords outside the box but it has to move logically and easily, flow is important. Identity in the track is valued, so the sound is me or whoever, it's also important to produce a body of work that is similar, create a brand. Is this me, not really, but I'm having a lot of fun. I actually have around a dozen pieces, and I am getting a sense of direction.

Jim Sande said...

Saying I have a dozen pieces, means I have they written and now I'm working to record them. I have a new classical guitar track coming out on May 20th. I think it's my best yet.

Mark said...

Having fun putting these pieces together is all that matters. If it's you or not really, who's to say?
What do we call "the genre you're attempting to get into? Really, I'm curious.

And I look forward to May 20th.

Jim Sande said...

This would be the neo-classical/ambient genre and it does include minimalism. I had no idea it even existed as a viable thing but musicians are doing quite well on streaming platforms with it. It seems like a reasonable place for me to go at this stage of my life. I plan on doing some more ensemble pieces too but it will be less electronic and more live instruments - classical guitar, piano, fretless bass, hand percussion. The energy and ambition are not what they used to be but I have yet to find something I'd prefer to do other than meditate and that's something I could do all day, every day.