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Friday, January 22, 2021


 Bloomberg: Trump Campaign Paid Organizers of Pre-Riot Rally $2.7 Million By Bill Allison

The payments, which span Trump’s re-election campaign, show an ongoing financial relationship between the rally’s organizers and Trump’s political operation.


Glynn Kalara said...

It was planned all of it. It's going to be interesting to see what develops from the FBI investigation and the arrests. I'll wager Trump, Rudy, Cruz and many others are deeply involved in what happened. That they thought that they could somehow actually overthrow the Gov't with this stunt is frightening. It can happen again if its not crushed and people don't go to jail. Not just the pawns that did the attack but the planners and funders.

Jim Sande said...

I think the rioters came very close to hurting a lot of people. Even if they had succeeded in doing that, then what happens. I'm sure people are working on understanding the implications and scenarios. We know that there was inside efforts to keep the Guard away, it's quite a complicated scheme. All in all it adds to Trump's very long list of criminal activity.