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Friday, January 29, 2021

She Got Out

 NY Times: ‘Trump Just Used Us and Our Fear’: One Woman’s Journey Out of QAnon - During the political fallout after four years of Donald J. Trump, one question is what will happen with the followers of conspiracy theories that bend Americans’ perceptions of reality. By Sabrina Tavernise

“Q managed to make us feel special, that we were being given very critical information that basically was going to save all that is good in the world and the United States,” she said. “We felt we were coming from a place of moral superiority. We were part of a special club.”


Glynn Kalara said...

These people are afraid of their own shadows. Economic deprivation isn't what's driving their fear it's hatred and fear of anyone not exactly like themselves. The really lunatic fringe among them like M. Greene R-Ga. are what I call Nit Wit Nazis. We need to fight back against these people. Unity without Justice is illusory.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, fear is a big big part of this. The messaging from QAnon and such plays right into the gaping fear that some people experience. Fighting back is important, we need to figure out how to do it skillfully. I've been extremely unsuccessful in moving the dial for anybody, as far as I know. With somebody like Greene though, to me that requires just hard counterpunching type of messaging. She's got to go, she's just not acceptable. If she stays because McCarthy really and truly is a weak nothing, then they better keep her the hell off of any committees. Send her on missions to the Arctic.