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Thursday, January 28, 2021


NY Times: 17 Cooking Tips Our Food Staff Swears By Reporters and editors share the advice that changed their home cooking. By Becky Hughes


Mark said...

There are some legit tips/ideas here. I'm pleasantly surprised.

I'd be happier if my $18/month NYTimes script would again allow me access to recipes. I've even been blocked from my own curated collection in "your recipe box". But for an additional $40-60 more per year for a separate food script...

Jim Sande said...

The NY Times did booming business under Trump, tons of people flocked to it and subscribed, like myself, simply because we knew Trump's fake news insane rant was Trump being unconscionable about not liking bad press. We need the press of course and journalism is clearly under attack as well. A lot of the reason why we have so many nuts in Congress right now is because there are media droughts in rural parts of the country.

Mark said...

I was a subscriber prior to 2016. Paying for good content is good for all of us.
But do you really think that a media drought is a direct cause for crazy? I think confirmation bias rules us all. Louis Armstrong cleared sums it up for me: "There are some people that if they don't know, you can't tell 'em."

But the food The Food THE FOOD section in the Times went rogue. It must be it's own cash cow to spin it off to a separate paid script. I can't blame 'em to get $ when people are willing to pay - I just felt a bit cheated when it happened. And I'm still fooled when I click a foodie thing from the main Times page only to get to the same dead end :(