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Friday, January 29, 2021


 NY Times: The G.O.P. Is in a Doom Loop of Bizarro But will it doom the rest of us, too? By Paul Krugman

The Republican Party is stuck, probably irreversibly, in a doom loop of bizarro. If the Trump-incited Capitol insurrection didn’t snap the party back to sanity — and it didn’t — nothing will.


Mark said...

"...Even I had some lingering hope that the Republican establishment might try to end Trumpism..."

Krugman is... an optimist? I thought this guy had his pulse on the finger of the people. We are in deep deep darkness by our own complacent doing. It's gonna be a few generations before the light shines. Here's something to put on your calendar - let's meet up on our 90th birthday to compare and contrast 2021 with 2043.

Jim Sande said...

Yeah, the divide is painful right now, and it's scary. I'm hoping that pockets of democracy can remain. I'm also hoping that in time the GOP is simply overwhelmed by the shear number of people who are not white, not racist, and not violent.

Mark said...

So where shall we meet on 7/16/2043? I'll make muffins.

Jim Sande said...

Mark I'm shocked I made it to 67.