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Friday, April 22, 2022

The Lincoln Project - 'Kevin McCarthy Is A Liar'


Glynn Kalara said...

Lying is what they're about. They know that their own base doesn't care if they lie. IN fact, thhe base expects him to lie, cheat, steal or even murder people in defense of the KULT leader. DJ TrumPUTIN.

Jim Sande said...

What is interesting here is that even a serial liar like McCarthy recognized initially that Trump was a lunatic and a psycho. Whatever fragment of a moral backbone that allowed him to recognize that crime, is now gone, he flushed it to go all in on Trump. The problem is that whoever replaces McCarthy, say Stefanic, that person will be even worse because the GQP is not returning to a party of free and fair elections any time soon. They're doubling down on authoritarianism, so McCarthy's replacement will be all in on that.

Glynn Kalara said...

It's ALL about staying in power once POWER is grabbed. The people are seen by these cynical creeps like the women Trumpf said, "will let you do anything to them even grab their p_ssys' because your famous." A lie today is forgotten a day later, so you just lie lie lie and confuse who you have to. It's all about getting & keeping the power no matter how you need to do it. No rules, no morals, no ethics just power matters.