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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Must Does Not Equal Will

 Washington Post: Opinion: The Jan. 6 committee and Merrick Garland must protect our endangered democracy By E.J. Dionne Jr.


Glynn Kalara said...

Don't hold your breath waiting for Garland to do squat. He'll pick a few nobodies to take the fall under the heading of the infamous lines in Casablanca about finding gambling going on at Rick's and at the end when the French Police the Inspector (Claude Rains) says "ROUND up the Usual Suspects! " The Dems. are weak and cowardily about upholding the law and they're going to pay dearly for it this fall.

Jim Sande said...

That's how I see it. The president is given amazing latitude in their behavior, especially if they are Republicans. Trump made a lot of billionaires much more wealthy and they will throw him a life saver.