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Friday, April 22, 2022

Lawrence And Rachel Discuss McCarthy Tape On Trump Resigning After Jan. 6


Glynn Kalara said...

THis is all fodder for Rachael and the rest of the Pundits but the rest of us know NOTHING will come of it. The gQPUTIN can do whatever they want and get away with it. Nothing is going to happen to Kevin or Mitch or Donald NOTHING In fact, the dumbass voters are going to reward them with Congress in Nov. and they will then turn around and Impeach Biden on day fking one for crimes against DOG / GOD or whomever. We thought defeating Trumpf got us out of the rabbit hole but we were all wrong.

Jim Sande said...

Yeah, MSNBC has been having a good time with the McCarthy story. But here's the thing, MAGA world already believes it's fake news. It's still a cult, that's a hard thing to break. McCarthy probably has some explaining to do to the GQP, he's got to tap dance his ass out of it. All in all though it's been a wickedly bad week for the GQP with, McCarthy, Perjury Greene Taylor, Madison the cross-dresser Cawthorn, and Trump. It's enjoyable entertainment, but as you say, let's see people heading to jail. When that happens, then my belief is restored.