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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Ali Velshi - When Is Democracy Imperiled?


Glynn Kalara said...

When you have two major parties like in our so called system and only one actually believes in democracy and the other doesn't and is actively trying to RIG the playing field even before the 1st vote is cast. They not onbly want to openly suppression the opositio's base from voting but if they lose they want the option to simply ignore the voters and send in their own candidates anyway. That isn't democracy and that's where they are going. They want a Russian or Hungarian type democracy which fits Stalin's old maxim about voting. It" doesn't matter who votes it only matters who counts the votes." The GOP is worse then Stalin, they do care about who votes and where and they also intend to count the votes until they add up to victory for them. If even then if they somehow lose they want the right to ignore the out come.

Jim Sande said...

I've said it many times. I'm all in favor of a two state solution, America, and Red America. It's becoming an untenable situation and my sense is that 2024 is going to make 2022 look like child's play.