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Monday, April 25, 2022


 NY Times: American Voters Haven’t Been Afraid Like This in a Long Time By Mark Penn - Mark Penn was a pollster and adviser to President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton from 1995 to 2008. He is chairman of the Harris Poll and C.E.O. of Stagwell Inc.

This electorate is not experiencing a malaise, as President Jimmy Carter was once apocryphally said to have proclaimed, but has instead formed into a deep national fissure ready to blow like a geyser in the next election if leadership does not move to relieve the pressure.


Mark said...

This article does not set out to be gloom and doom but it feels like a forecast. Our 'new normal' is pervasive uncertainly and unease. I believe the GOP will play this FEAR CARD in the coming elections to reclaim all branches of gov't. Divided we fall.

Jim Sande said...

Absolutely, this is what the GOP offers, hate and fear. They play it well too.