Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 NY Times: The Upside of Anxiety - There are several benefits to having an internal alarm system, experts say. By Christina Caron


Mark said...

Whoever wrote this headline should be reprimanded or docked a few bucks.

Experts say: "Too much anxiety can be debilitating. But a normal amount is meant to help keep us safe"

This article is strictly for people with "normal amounts" of anxiety. Anyone who has experienced the "debilitating kind" would call it clickbait.

Jim Sande said...

Sure, still it helps open up the conversation about anxiety and fear. In my mind, that's a positive. We work on these things little by little and an article that isn't all doom and gloom about something that appears as only gloom, is helpful.

Mark said...

I reluctantly agree. In the same way that "Vegan Delis" that serve mainly fried comfort foods and sweets, are still introducing meatless alternatives to McEaters.

Jim Sande said...

Depends on why someone went meat free, dietary reasons, or because they don't like seeing animals killed for food, or both. For the latter two, this still works, it's still an improvement.