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Friday, January 28, 2022


 Guardian UK: ‘Be thankful you don’t have our poison’: US pollster Frank Luntz’s warning to UK BY David Smith in Washington - Luntz spent years sampling opinion for Republicans before a stroke changed his outlook: ‘I’m not afraid any more, so you will hear me criticise people I never would have two years ago’


Mark said...

“Bidden does not ideological rather than emotional... It’s how people feel even more than how they think; feeling is a deeper emotion and Biden is not connecting to them at all....six issues that will determine voters’ choices: crime, immigration, shortages, prices, education and the January 6 insurrection. Democrats have a huge problem on five out of the six.”

I'm sorry to say that I agree with this...

Jim Sande said...

He ignores the upside of the economy, he ignores the rights movement towards authoritarianism, he ignores the right's utter lack of a plan or reason to exist other than as opposition, etc etc etc.