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Monday, January 24, 2022


 Washington Post: Opinion: Sorry, progressives. The criminal justice system is unlikely to save us from Trump. by Max Boot

And so, as much as I would love to see Trump held legally accountable for his misconduct, I remain pessimistic that he will ever be indicted, much less convicted. Even in the unlikely event that he is ultimately found guilty of a felony, that alone won’t stop him from running for president.


Mark said...

Being convicted of a felony would be red meat for supporters. Fuel for an already out of control fire.

Jim Sande said...

So you're saying appease Trump supporters and let Trump skate free?

Mark said...

Of course not. What think you of me?
I'm pointing out how we're living in Bizarro World/Mirror Universe. A felony should be Kryptonite, but it's rocket fuel.
IF there's a felony conviction, "we" will be celebrate victory while "they" will be emboldened for more destruction.

Jim Sande said...

Sounds accurate to me.