Wednesday, August 03, 2016

No Mr. Gingrich, He Cannot

  Gingrich is essentially optimistic that Trump can turn it around. Where the hell is Gingrich hiding his head in the ground, which hole in which state? Trump is not a guy who changes, isn't that painfully clear yet? No, Trump is on a major Titanic trajectory, straight to the bottom, he is crashing, drowning everything in site as he suffocates. He is not about to gracefully pull out of this tailspin.

Politico: Gingrich blasts Trump's 'very self-destructive' behavior By Nick Gass
"The question is, can he in August slow down, take a deep breath and reorganize how he’s operating so that he gets to the standard of a potential president of the United States? He has not done that up to now," Gingrich said. "It’s been significantly to his disadvantage."

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