Monday, March 23, 2015


AlterNet: Many Fears Stalk the Aging As Safety Nets Shrink; Media Stereotypes Miss the Full Story - Proud aging in America is undermined by inequality and ongoing anxiety. By Steven Rosenfeld


Glynn Kalara said...

I'm watching a show on one of the Financial shows talking about this problem and the guest expert just called the 401Ks system a abject failure and rip off foisted on us by Wall st. and thieving bosses for the last 30 yrs. The truth is most of the baby boomers are not going to ever retire and they will also not be able to find work either. The plan is to have most of us just fucking die off. The right and the Dems answer is tough shit Hippie die die die and die soon.

Jim Sande said...

I know too many people that have very little and are at retirement age.It's time to bring back the communes, seriously. There has to be a buddy system somehow.