Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Global Warming - Disposition

WaPo: Can only Republicans help Republicans on climate change?
“Those whose cultural commitments predispose them to be concerned about climate change become even more so as their level of science comprehension increases,” the study reads. “Those whose commitments predispose them to be less concerned become all the more skeptical.”


Glynn Kalara said...

Its questionable whether were going to see that happen any time soon enough to be able to actually make the changes necessary.

Jim Sande said...

Well, we are stuck with the CO2 we already have, that's for sure. But I suspect somewhere out there is a GOP politician who knows that climate change is happening and that it is pushed by mankind's use of fossil fuels. That person will be skewered by FOX etc, so there has to be a few to back them up. One of these GOP people has to take the lead, it has to be somebody who is not worried about Koch backing etc etc etc.

Gary Panoos said...

Interesting tweet from Scott Westerfeld:

Plot idea:

97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires and oil companies.

Jim Sande said...

good one. ha!