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Thursday, December 28, 2023

MSNBC - Haley Gains On Trump In NH Even As She Tiptoes Around Heap Of Damaging Material Against Him


Mark said...

She's been tiptoeing around the Tr**pster since the beginning and would like to tiptoe right into the VP slot. Even if that doesn't work out, it puts her is good standing for 2028. Strategy baby!!

My local weekly paper that speaks for most of NY loves her almost as much as Stefanik. This is the future! Let's face it, NY is only blue because of NYC.

Jim Sande said...

Albany is as blue as it could possibly be. The one Republican in my town who was running for Highway Supervisor and the guy was a high school star, I think, lost to a new comer democrat. Everyone single local official is now a democrat, that happened when Trump came into power. All urban areas are blue in NY, Buffalo, Syracuse, probably Utica, Albany, and of course NYC. There's way way more of us than there is of them. On a map it looks like all of America is red, but land that has one person per square mile doesn't vote. People vote, and most of them live in cities. Niki Haley can go F herself.

Mark said...

You're absolutely right, all urban areas are blue in NY and across the country that's true with few exceptions. A US map shows like-minded liberals have clustered in their own city islands. Sure, there are more that vote Dem than GOP (lest we forget that Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 and Gore in 2000).

You've got a blue city that's decent size and can be insulating, but I'm less convinced this is the way I want to live. My situation is more porous. In my tiny blue city (14,000), I rub up against "them" every time I leave the house. I still say "they are us - we are them".

But all that being said, "Nikki Haley can go F herself".