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Monday, May 23, 2022


 Get Pocket: 4 Tips for Talking to People You Disagree With - Megan Phelps-Roper grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church and was picketing with signs like “gays are worthy of death” at the age of five. By Megan Phelps-Roper


Mark said...

"Civil conversations imbued with genuine curiosity" is the base for Megan Phelps-Roper's 4 tips. Good tips for sure.
And I wish more' people that I disagree with' were truly open in this way. Mostly I experience a volley of words and a lack of willingness or ability to listen. The DESIRE to examine our own beliefs is not intuitive for most people. Our ancient survival has depended on finding our tribe and hunkering down. Call me Debbie Downer, but I don't think we've evolved much if at all.

Jim Sande said...

I had a conversation with a co-worker one time about global warming. He was very angry at me, shouting, basically calling me a fool and if there's one thing I hate it's being called a fool lol. Anyhow, I calmly weathered his storm and then explained what I knew about global warming going back to the discovery in the 19th century that CO2 retains heat. I explained the calculation off from 190 PPM to over 400 PPM in this last century alone, how the Halocene was based on 190 PPM etc etc etc. By the end of my rap he was quiet and in part agreeing with me. What's my point. It is on our shoulders to be calm, and I think that out of the 4 tips, this is the most important. Lose your cool and it will quickly devolve to where your debate partner really wants it to go, because at this the GOP wants to kill you, literally.

Mark said...

One on one as you describe it is always worthy of effort. Keeping calm is easier to maintain for me if there is even the smallest amount of listening from my 'debate partner'.
I was just pointing out that the best intentions or in this case - 4 tips - can be effective only when your debate partner is open to the possibility. I find that confirmation bias is too strong in most to allow for even a crack the armor.