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Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Answer

Get Pocket: Fact or Fiction?: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever The answer is simmering in a bowl of chicken soup. By Mark Fischetti


Mark said...

"Chicken soup doesn’t possess any magic ingredients, but it has calories as well as the all-important liquids"

The answer is NOT in a bowl of chicken soup. There is NOTHING SPECIAL about chicken for health. Why perpetuate this myth?
It's 'charming' and 'traditional' and 'warm' and gets people to look.

Not Pocket worthy.

Jim Sande said...

For me the article was about the refutation of old basically incorrect advice that we've heard for decades. I don't eat chicken soup, I'm 96% vegetarian at this point, have been for a while.

Mark said...

Chicken soup was used as clickbait. And I have yet to become desensitized to clickbait, it continues to annoy. And more importantly it often cheapens the effort to be helpful.

I’m all for refutation of bogus information, but I think my body is intuitively smarter than most cold & fever advice.

Jim Sande said...

I see what you're saying. When internet articles first started going with headlines that read - 'The Five Reasons blah blah blah' or 'Ten Reasons To Drink Tea' or 'Six Reasons Why Shoes Are Bad For You', when it all shifted to that way of writing, I found it to be very annoying, a head shaker. Now I just read it.