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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Joel Chadabe Dies

  Joel was one of my main music teachers, very influential. It was a pleasure being in his classes, very witty, open minded, sharp, knowledgeable. I will miss him. 

 NY Times: Joel Chadabe, Explorer of Electronic Music’s Frontier, Dies at 82 - As both a composer and an advocate, Mr. Chadabe devoted himself to what one music critic called the “marriage between humans and their computers.” By Alex Vadukul

1 comment:

Mark said...

I am sorry to read of his passing, he was a local treasure and a pioneer. I love this from the article:
Reviewing a 1983 concert performance in The New York Times, Bernard Holland wrote, “Mr. Chadabe seemed everywhere to be asking gentle, unassertive questions about who will lead and who will follow in this new marriage between humans and their computers, about how fully and how well people will cope with the potential riches and intimidating complexities of this newest addition to our family of musical instruments.”