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Friday, September 25, 2020

Morning Joe - New Polls


Glynn Kalara said...

This is the best news I've heard all day. If trump is that far behind in Ohio he's cooked. Biden is allowing trump to sink himself. But, trump doesn't plan to accept a loss so Biden has a problem the same one to some degree Lincoln had in Nov. of 1860. In the 100 days till Jan 21, trump could cause unbelievable havoc. I think we need to prepare for a hot Civil War by his followers in some parts of the country. I wouldn't want to live in parts of Pa, or Virg. on Nov. 4th if Biden is declared the winner. He's going to tell them the election was rigged by mail in ballots and early voting. He already is.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, it is good news. It's also demoralizing for Trump world to get it too. They are panicked and the level of conspiracy craziness is off the charts. I don't get the conspiracy stuff either, lots of people are vulnerable to it.