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Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Washington Post: If Trump likes hydroxychloroquine, he’ll love camel urine by Dana Milbank
The president has botched the pandemic response, and he is now botching the economic recovery. But he could put his talents to use by serving as a full-time lab animal, a national guinea pig, a cavy-in-chief.


Mark said...

"The president has botched the pandemic response, and he is now botching the economic recovery"

It's not enough that the worst person to hold presidential office is deconstructing democracy and throwing us under the bus. The exasperation for me is that we live in a country that has an unwavering population of supporters that may gladly grant a second term. Focusing on Trump the individual is OUR distraction.

Jim Sande said...

This particular article is severe satire and we know that. It's helpful for me to read these kinds of articles that slay his nonsense, literally chop it up into pieces. We need satire too beyond the analysis and the facts. As you say though we mostly need to get a larger understanding and defeat this malicious president. Satire alone is not enough.

Mark said...

Man, we got to laugh! Good satire is healing. Randy Rainbow for president!!

The "larger understanding" that you speak of is what got Jesus crucified. We as a society do NOT ascribe to a "love thy fellow citizen" way of life. Without a COLLECTIVE DESIRE to understand each other, a larger understanding in general just doesn't happen. Our "advancements" in civil, women's & gender rights in our lifetime are real, but as Americans I fear we will remain who we are: "wild-west-rugged-don't-tread-on-me individuals".

Jim Sande said...

All true, change does not happen quickly. But look remember in the 70s when you had to go to health food stores to get reasonable food without additives and such. Now it's very easy to find. Change happens, it just rather slow. America could be headed for another split, but that's a good thing. I am an advocate of the two state solution in the USA, America and Red America.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, I'm serious. Right now there are literally two Americas. FOX News Breitbart Qanon, etc etc and the rest of us. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle. I've been for a two state solution for a long time, as the situation is intractable. I read the commentary at FOV and Breitbart, and I'm left speechless.

Mark said...

I hear that Switzerland or Costa Rica are very welcoming. Elon Musk also has a wait list for Mars.

I don't mean to be trite, just jocular.

But how do you deal with THE OTHER in the form of the redneck neighbor or uncle or "that nice person at the library who obviously is a Trump supporter but also rescues animals"?

Jim Sande said...

If you can, talk to their good side, their community action saving animals and relate to them as human beings. If you become deeper friends them discuss politics. Generally speaking, the latter doesn't happen. On the other hand, if a person is obnoxious to you, you can try what I do, let them go. I'm too old at this point to take abuse.

Mark said...

I absolutely agree on all accounts. People are rarely one dimensional and we are more alike than different. It is always worth trying to relate to THE OTHER, but not everyone is interested in commonality or even being civil. Hence, a two state solution. We naturally separate ourselves into groups/tribes, but this would be the deepest of lines in the sand. Seems less of a solution to me and more like Civil War 2.0.