Monday, August 01, 2016

'Black Soul'

  Yes he does have a black soul, and he is morally deficient, and he is incapable of empathy Mr Khan. And thank you for being the one who has so demonstrably made this obvious and painful point to the world.

Guardian UK: Donald Trump has 'black soul', says Khizr Khan, father of fallen Muslim US soldier
Amid widespread astonishment at the conduct of the Republican presidential nominee, the family of the 27-year-old army captain Humayun Khan, who died in a suicide bombing in 2004, said Trump was morally deficient and incapable of empathy.

“He is totally unfit for the leadership of this beautiful country,” said Khizr Khan, Humayun’s father.


Glynn Kalara said...

Few have so aptly described tRump. The truth is Donald is a nasty piece of work by any standards and he's proud of it. He reached a new low this week and I'm expecting him to go even lower going forward. Doesn't seem to hurt him with his following though, does it?

Jim Sande said...

If you get a chance check out that clip I posted of Romney supporters from 2012 in Ohio, very telling.

Regarding Khan - perfect timing, perfect response, perfect politically too unfortunately - Khan's speech from the DNC might end up becoming Trump's unraveling, not that he isn't already unraveling.