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Friday, September 18, 2015

Non Existent Video

MSNBC: Fiorina defends citing nonexistent abortion video
On Wednesday night, this was pointed out by numerous sources, including The Washington Post’s fact checker, who wrote, “No video has surfaced showing the scene Fiorina describes taking place inside a Planned Parenthood facility.” Politifact rated the statement “mostly false,” and a Vox reporter, Sarah Kliff, who watched all twelve hours of the footage, wrote, “What she says happens in the Planned Parenthood videos simply does not exist.” Planned Parenthood sent out a memo, headlined simply, “Carly Fiorina lied.”


Glynn Kalara said...

Carly knows full well it was a lie. She doesn't care , nor do her handlers. It keeps her in the news cycle and it puts PPH on the defense having to prove she lied. The lie will go around the world twice before the truth ever even leaves the sable as the saying goes. She's a creepy Corp. shark that one. She knows every trick in the Corp. crime book and has used them over and over and gotten away with it.

Jim Sande said...

So it would seem, shark indeed. Yeah she's proving her anti-abortion worth to the sheeple and born agains and is using the tactic of making Planned Parenthood appear as some sort of sociopathic mass murderer along the lines of a Mengels. She's a sick puppy.