Sunday, June 30, 2013

Howdy Terrorists

Raw Story: Texas Republican calls pro-choice crowd ‘terrorist’


Glynn Kalara said...

Anyone these people thinks is against what they believe are now terrorists. Scary.

Jim Sande said...

Remember how everyone was saying how the GOP had to change, including the GOP itself, after November 2012. Just the opposite is occurring. The GOP is becoming even more polarizing and extreme. They abhor compromise, demonize anyone with differing political or social views, and appear to be poised to start real trouble, trouble as in violence. It's very brutal, very oppressive, and this arrogant belief that god only speaks through them is at best a strange mix of delusion and unambiguous arrogance. The fundamental problem is that all of this activity is creating a masterfully dysfunctional society. The country is stuck in fourth gear with the wheels burning rubber and the power bakes are on. Something has to give.