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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Global Warming - Oil

CS Monitor: Global warming and the politics of fossil fuel - We’re not going to be able to transition to a non-fossil-fuel economy overnight, Fen Montaigne, senior editor of Yale Environment 360, said in an interview with But if you keep approving tar sands projects, or massive pipelines, or drilling in the Arctic, when does it stop?


Glynn Kalara said...

Exactly , when does it stop? Where is the fossil fuel project either of these two groups that dominate our political system will say enough? For the GOP it's any project that threatens the Fossil fuel Industries total domination of our energy and political systems. For the Dinocrats it's some project in the future that they might not approve of. The transition is already underway , not the one away from Fossil fuels, the one to a dangerously unstable new planet called EAARTH

Jim Sande said...

It's interesting in that people think that a 2 degree change is no big deal except that 2 degrees Celsius = 35.6 degrees Fahrenheit. We are in the midst of the craziest weather yet for a Summer - humid, rainy - it's becoming a rain forest. The forecast has it raining here for the next 10 days. Our 10 day forecast is rain meanwhile a relative of mine in Las Vegas is about to see the temperatures go to 120. 120!