Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Partnering With Crazy

Did not watch the debate. To me its all about candidates who seem to express ever so slightly different degrees of extremism.

These candidates want to eliminate all entitlements and S.S.I., remove environmental restrictions so that corporations can plunder as needed, privatize all thing public from school systems to the police, lower or remove the minimum wage, remove voting rights for the poor or those not owning property, and essentially push America into tighter bondage controlled corporatism. Did we mention wiretap, increase paranoia vis a vis increased surveillance, and turn America into a Dominionist fundamentalist theocracy, yea that too, and more...

AlterNet: When Did CNN Become a Shill for GOP Extremism and the Tea Party?
CNN's co-sponsorship of the Tea Party Express debate amounts to an incalculable in-kind contribution to a far-right political PAC, elevating its brand name, providing free air time and event-staging, and conferring an aura of legitimacy on an organization that is essentially a fundraising operation for anti-government candidates.

...an act of desperation by CNN, eager to reclaim some of the audience it has lost to Fox News Channel...


Glynn Kalara said...

The GOP has sure moved its goal posts to the far right. By today's GOP/Tea party standards Nixon and Reagan would be raving liberals!

Jim Sande said...

This is true, they are off the charts. You gotta wonder if they are even aware of what they are saying anymore.

Glynn Kalara said...

They're well aware, they just don't care. Plus, in the circles many of these retards travel in most of these crazy policies are standard even moderate. remember, these are people who cater to Klan and Neo-N. thinking.