Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Market On Tuesday

Good morning. It is 63 degrees, cloudy, and allegedly the sun will come out later here in Upstate NY. The suburban streets were hopping this morning with joggers, walkers, bikers, and dog walkers, a friendly bunch too. Sometimes you'll get a hello, sometimes not even a glance, but this morning it was all smiles and hellos even the teenagers waiting for a bus were friendly. Must be something in the air.

At 8:00 a.m. DOW futures are significantly lower, the dollar is mixed, and oil is pricier.

Its deja vu all over again. The market is responding to reports out of the Eurozone, will Greece default, will Italy go bankrupt, will France lose its credit rating, and such. As we know this is a deep ongoing complex problem and with the world so utterly interdependent economically Europe's worries are the rest of the world's worries and Wall Street's.

CNN: Stocks: More European misery
"It is more of the same..."

...a Financial Times report that said China was in talks with Italy about potentially buying the cash-strapped country's debt.

Oil for October delivery gained 95 cents to $89.14 a barrel.

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