Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Out Of Control

Oil is hemorrhaging into the Gulf and apparently there is no way to stop it.

The top hat failed, the siphoning pipe failed, the junk shot is coming allegedly on Wednesday, and the relief well is months away.

This thing is like Godzilla, nobody has control over it, and worse nobody wants to assume control over it although the fickle finger points to BP. The rapist is responsible for caring for the victim.

What gets me are the people who are talking about the lessons learned and now they want to make offshore completely safe. Sorry that is the wrong answer right now, and just put a cork in it.

The irony is having someone like Republican Jindal calling for the government to take over the response. So is that socialism. Excuse me Republicans and Jindal, what about all that free market capitalism and elimination of the EPA with its stupid environmental protections and requirements for corporations. Now we learn that regulators were about as lax as lax can be. Who is responsible for that? Could it be the previous administration?

As bad as this thing is making Obama look, it makes Republicans looks like complete fools. And isn't this the problem, this is a political battle when hello out there, this is an environmental catastrophe.

McClatchy: Pressure mounts for federal takeover of oil spill response
Sometime Wednesday, BP plans an exercise called "top kill" that will shoot heavy mud and cement into the well to try to plug it. BP officials estimated the chance of success at 60 to 70 percent.


Glynn Kalara said...

Maybe, having the Post Office handle it would work? They all seem to be surprised and clueless and panicked all @ the same time.

Jim Sande said...

You may be on to something, good place to dump all that junk mail.

Glynn Kalara said...

Yea , maybe that's what they mean by a junk shot?