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Friday, May 28, 2010

Underwater Oil Plumes

The oil is not exclusively floating on the surface of the water.

There are plumes of the stuff well below the surface. A new underwater plume is just being observed and it is massive. USF researchers find new underwater plume from gulf oil spill
...a 6-mile-wide plume of invisible oil is snaking beneath the surface, in the deepest recesses of the gulf.

The thickest concentration, they found, was more than 2 miles beneath the surface — a mile deeper than where the Deepwater Horizon well has been spewing oil for the past month — and about 20 miles northeast of the collapsed rig.


Glynn Kalara said...

Disgusting but better on the floor of the gulf then in the marshes. I hate the OIL companies ruthless MOFO's!

Jim Sande said...

Yes they are ruthless. That is how the game is played.