Thursday, October 25, 2007

Its Called Torture

What is Condi Rice getting at:

Rice concedes U.S. mishandled torture case
"...United States mishandled the case of a Canadian engineer seized by U.S. officials and taken to Syria, where he and the Canadian government say he was tortured.

Rice...said the United States has told Canada "that we will try to do better in the future."

"We do not think that this case was handled as it should have been. We do absolutely not wish to transfer anyone to any place in which they might be tortured," she said.

This is about as thin an explanation as one can provide. This is the dog ate my homework.

Rice is basically saying its OK to torture, but its not OK to mismanage the implementation of torture.

This is a disgrace.


Jim Sande said...

Bush will be remembered for many things but he will always be linked to approving torture. This will be part of his legacy. The rest of his legacy will not look much better.

Glynn Kalara said...

Your wrong! After the right purges the Universites and Colleges of Liberal history Profs. the re-writing of history will begin in ernst. Add to it the growing Conserv. bias in the Corp. media and in just a few yrs. Emperor BV$H's glorious reign will even eclipse that of saint Ronnie Raygun.

Jim Sande said...

That's a painfully true and sobering thought.

I'm not sure Bush's reign is going to end.