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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


We watched the film 'Breach' last night. Good film, if you like - thriller - suspense - FBI good guy/bad guy stuff, this is for you.

The film is based on a real story about Robert Hanson, the worst counter spy that the US ever had to deal with. He was a square up, Catholic, conservative sort who also happened to like to give the most profound secrets of the US government to the Russians.

It took years for the FBI to catch this mole. The film involves the last 2 months of his work at the FBI in Washington DC. This period ended with his arrest.

Its a curious study in personality type, and makes one wonder what it is that causes someone to want that level of danger in their lives.

I stumbled across this story on Judge Donald Thompson. Its another case where the person involved in criminal activity is right in the center of the structure that is supposed to provide the leading edge of integrity, just like Hanson at the FBI.

Oklahoma judge accused of using sexual device in court

"District Judge Donald Thompson violated the code of judicial conduct "by his repeated use of a device known as a penis pump during non-jury and jury trials in his courtroom and in the presence of court employees while serving in his capacity as a district judge," Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson wrote in a petition filed Wednesday with the Court of the Judiciary."

"The sound of Thompson using the pump was heard by a number of witnesses, who said that the noise sounded "like air being pumped or released" from a blood pressure cuff."

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