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Thursday, October 12, 2006

An even million

A group of us meet regularly to study politics. We share articles, investigate historical precedents, examine the neo-conservative movement, this kind of thing. I'll go into more details about it in the future.

One participant wondered how many Iraqis were killed due to the war. I remembered the one study from Johns Hopkins that placed the number at 100,000, but that was in 2004. Iraq body count has the number at between 43,850 and 48,693 looking at it Wednesday night.

Well there's a new article in the Washington Post:

655,000 Iraqi Deaths as a result of the Iraq War

Shortly after the election of 2004, I read a short prepared statement to a crowd at the library on the results. I was searching for something positive to say, as I was not feeling particularly positive about the political landscape. Anyhow, one thing I said was that each president usually has the blood of at least 100,000 people on his hands and that's got to be something harsh to carry with you and that Kerry would not have that particular burden. I guess I was wrong.

Painting by Frida Kahlo

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