Friday, October 11, 2024


 Get Pocket: 150 Years Ago, a Philosopher Showed Why It’s Pointless to Start Arguments on the Internet - Don’t feed the trolls. By Olivia Goldhill


Mark said...

"...opinions aren’t based on facts at all, but feelings....contradictory points of information...cause people to dig deeper into their emotions to hold onto those views..."
We ride atop an elephant of emotion that allows us to cling to the illusion that we are navigating the path when we(the logical rational self) are not. When I am aware of this, the world makes more sense.

Jim Sande said...

It makes me think that we often takes the easier path because it gives immediate pleasure or satisfaction or relief. The harder path is more durable and more meaningful but it requires some effort. This is like addiction. It's easier to smoke than to quit. Quitting in the long run is going to be the most beneficial but the immediate satisfaction is the addiction. You're going to enjoy that book.

Mark said...

Is the path of least resistance the same as easier? If so, I agree that this is how we are built. Being 'aware' in most forms requires effort. I admit that 'willful ignorance' is sometimes a path I choose BECAUSE it's easier and less revealing. An addiction, if you will.