Thursday, September 19, 2024

Read It!

 They have transcribed Trump's response to a simple question about the cost of food. Read it, please, it is nuts.

 Media-ite: Trump Goes On Stunning Rant That Ends With Roast Of Stranded Astronauts When Fan Asks ‘How Will You Bring Down Cost Of Food?’ By Tommy Christopher

"You know, I like to say we’re the party of common sense. We want to have a strong border. How about that? We want to you know, all of a sudden they’ve changed. They didn’t want any border. They said walls don’t work."

"Two things work. What are the two things? Wheels and walls. You know, if I do, there’s a gorgeous computer down here. In about two weeks, it’s going to be obsolete. A friend of mine is in that business. He hates it."

1 comment:

Mark said...

Yes, absolutely nuts. But this guy could still be reelected. So who are we as a nation that will still vote for this guy?

A simple article like this helps me look at MAGA beyond the anger and disenfranchise. Regular people "having fun being frat boys" sounds ridiculous but makes sense. It also humanizes "them". YMMV.