Monday, September 16, 2024


 Can you imagine if JFK or even Nixon screamed in the newspapers with deliberate seriousness, "I HATE ELVIS" or "I HATE THE BEATLES". What if Ronald Reagan screamed out, "I HATE REM, I HATE THE B52s, I HATE FRANK SINATRA!" You would think they had lost their minds right.


Mark said...

We live in very different times from JFK and Nixon.
There's no putting crazy back in the bottle.

Jim Sande said...

Trump is a malignant narcissist and because of that he has no conscience. He has only one motivation which is to praise himself. Previous presidents were no as severely mentally handicapped like Trump. We could say different times, perhaps and in many ways it is, but conscience, morals, not sure they disappear and if they do, then we look for a private island.