Friday, July 19, 2024


 Lit Hub: “Write a Sentence as Clean as a Bone” And Other Advice from James Baldwin - You Can Never Go Wrong Listening to This Guy By Emily Temple


Mark said...

I love a great sentence. I think it's more important than ever. The question is, how many of us care?
The dumbing down of America continues at a pace unabated, making this "group of writers, critics and simply people trying to live well in the world" a dying breed. I only hope my last words form a cohesive sentence with correct syntax. YMMV.

Jim Sande said...

I've been earnestly writing short stories now for closing in on two years. I love it. My sister reads them and that's about it. I have less of an audience with writing than anything I've ever done, but I love it. It's one of the best activities I've ever started. It's changed my approach to music writing and painting. I can sit there and happily rewrite something for weeks and weeks.