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Friday, July 26, 2024


 I unsubscribed from the NY Times a few weeks ago, I was so irritated by their anti-Biden and pro-Trump articles that I ditched them. Why hadn't they called for Trump to leave the presidential race, given Trump's boatload of felonious activities. Regardless, there is apparently a new NY Times poll that has Harris up by a point, as opposed to an earlier this month poll that had Trump up by a few points over Biden. Remember this is only after a few days of Harris being in the presidential slot because I would presume the poll was taken earlier in the week and the results were only posted today, on Friday. Harris is going to win this. She's young fresh, positive, and knows how to laugh. Trump is old, negative, sour, hateful, horrible in all ways not to mention his inability to tell the truth, and the guy can't laugh. What the hell is with that anyway? The country is sick of Trump's negativity, I sure am.

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