Friday, July 19, 2024

Brian Tyler Cohen - OMG - Trump Plan To Eliminate Future Elections Is Exposed


Mark said...

Tr**p doesn't have to do any heavy lifting, he's approved 2025's plan is to change 'president' to 'king'.

Brian Tyler Cohen says this issue has gone completely unreported, but luckily, it is NOW EXPOSED FOR THE WORLD TO SEE!

But the voting majority seems to want a king, so I predict there will be no protests in the streets or even extra views for this YouTuber for his earnest attempt at saving democracy. Oh well.

Jim Sande said...

Democrats are up in arms about it. It's not going to go over without a lot of push-back.

Mark said...

Ooh, the Democrats are getting mad? They're pushing back?With a few respites, Republicans have controlled the narrative solidly since Reagan. They'd have a chance if both teams were on the same field playing by the same rules.
If we elect a king that controls house, senate & judicial, all that push back gonna do squat.