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Tuesday, March 26, 2024


 Very frustrated here folks, the justice system in America has decided that the best way to treat Trump is to baby him in any way it possibly can. He is definitely being treated like he is above the law. I won't bother to rehash all of Trump's miserableness, but the entire 'Trump actively worked to destroy democracy' one really sticks. January 6th was the most disturbing thing any American politician has done in my lifetime and it is unforgivable. This man decided to place his narcissist needs above the entire history and entire population of the country. It's one person versus millions and millions and millions. In this type of scenario, it's not the millions who need to go away for good.


Mark said...

Tr**p absolutely must go away. His toxicity has infected every crevice of the good old US of A.

BUT please take a gander at this essay. In the review of this book about Hitler's rise to power, the parallels are all too obvious.
It reinforces the idea that it takes a nation (in this case, ours) to actively make this happen. The community of enablers is all pervasive - and dare I say it - includes us. If Tr**mp is actually held accountable by the rule of law(unlikely), Tr**mpism will continue. Can we the people do what Germany could not? At this point, I'm doubtful.

Jim Sande said...

I'll check it out. I think Trump is nicked, he's got a few deep wounds. I tend to agree with Palmer, his public statements are more and more gibberish. He's confusing the shit out of everything. By doing his hate rallies he gives more and more fodder to his political rivals. I've seen the Democrats and Biden produce some very serious take downs lately. It's like they finally figured out how to play hardball. If they keep it up they will wound him more and more. Trump can't handle it either, the narcissism only gets worse and worse in that psycho brain of his.

Mark said...

Whether or not he goes down, it’s the well focused and well financed army of enablers that we should worry about.