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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

We're Screwed

 Washington Post: A quarter of Americans see Trump as moderate or liberal Analysis By Philip Bum

1 comment:

Jim Sande said...

It's been said before many times Mark, a lot of it is about how people respond emotionally. Look at 'Trickle Down'. That was nothing more than a slogan to convince people to not tax corporations and billionaires. What happens when they are not taxed is they get wealthier and don't trickle down a penny of it. Yet look at who supports this nonsense, Republicans in the poorest states. If people took the time to investigate it just a tiny amount, they would understand that. But they are swept up in the emotional pull of the GOP. If the GOP says it's true, it must be true, and they accept this stuff on face value. The GOP relies on this type of knee jerk automatic response.