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Monday, March 27, 2023

Mrs. Betty Bowers - The Game Of Anti-Woke Distractions


Mark said...

It's easy for us to see the ubiquitous use of 'woke' as hilariously stupid - which it is - but it's the 'why it matters' that we need to pay attention to....

Jim Sande said...

Democrats need comic relief, it's helpful when trying to maintain a reasonable outlook. I saw a bumper sticker yesterday, 'Honk if you feel like crying right now'. This was for Democrats. MAGA is ready to set the world on fire, Democrats are trying to find a sane solution. The idea is that you create momentum by getting these kinds of things out there that point out the outrageous hypocrisy on the right. MAGA is not affected at all by it, but the tiny amount of 'leaners' might be affected. Also there's something to be said about maintaining solidarity with people who share the same political view.

Mark said...

I don't disagree with anything you've said.
I'm no curmudgeon. Comic relief is medicine. Momentum through solidarity for the sake of sanity - YES! Gimme more!!

It's just that it's easy to feast on the comic foolishness and not keep eyes on the ball. The article drags us back to some of that.

Jim Sande said...

I hear ya.