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Monday, February 20, 2023


 NY Times: Here’s What the Other Republican Candidates Should Say to Trump By Gail Collins and Bret Stephens

If, heaven forbid, you’re the Republican nominee next year, you’ll only be guaranteeing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris a second term. You’re a loser, Donald: a sore loser, a serial loser, a selfish loser.


Glynn Kalara said...

That's what most of us see when we look at a picture of him. However, that's not what his base sees. They see a super wealthy guy who hates all the same people they do and they also see the second coming. That's not going to change.

Jim Sande said...

It's true, once the GOP gets stuck on something, they grab onto it like a dog on a beef bone. You can't get it away from them. Someone like Trump will come along and put the same spell on them in the future. Trump made Republicans despise Bush, and the same people who voted for Bush, voted for Trump.