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Friday, February 17, 2023


NY Times: Our Age of Impunity By David Miliband - Mr. Miliband is a former Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom.

When billionaires evade taxes, oil companies misrepresent the severity of the climate crisis, elected politicians subvert the judiciary and human rights are rolled back, you see impunity in action. Impunity is the mind-set that laws and norms are for suckers.


Glynn Kalara said...

Imputiny appears when nobody makes any of these people and Corps. pay for their crimes and lies endlessly.

Jim Sande said...

Impunity is rapidly becoming one of the defining characteristics of this decade. It's not just politics either, some of the clips I've seen from Tik Tok are hair raising. People are deliberately doing things to hurt someone as someone else videos it. In another sense some of these mass shooters are doing it for the same reason, in order to gain notoriety, it's pretty twisted stuff.