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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tax Returns

 Unfortunately the Dems lost the House, so now what. They have 5 to 6 weeks to get the documents then...

NY Times: Supreme Court Permits House Democrats to Obtain Trump’s Tax Returns - In a terse order, the Supreme Court rejected the former president’s request that it block the Treasury Department from turning over the files. By Charlie Savage


Glynn Kalara said...

They lost because the GOP has learned how to move the goal posts every time the Dems. manage to hold power. This time they essentially used their advantage in State houses and the Courts to increase the level of types of gerrymanders and this alone gave them 9 new GOP seats enough to win even with a blue wave like happened a few weeks ago. It's frustrating to have to compete against an opponent that doesn't play by any agreed upon rules. They already hold a big structural advantage because of the way the Founders wrote the Constitution, and their game now is to build upon that advantage and to eventually lock in a majority in both houses and the WH. The way things are going that's a real possibility now, especially given their big majority on the SCOTUS. We might find ourselves in a very undemocratic Republic soon with no way out of the trap they're building. They hate democracy and their goal is to replace it with a White Christian Autocracy.

Jim Sande said...

that's not going to happen without a very serious fight. Look at the hero in Colorado Springs, the dude's a 2 time bronze star recipient along with being a Major, and tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He's on a political path of all inclusiveness and real justice. He's a good guy. He's a fighter. The right is already attacking him, can you imagine. that can't win. I'll learn how to fight as a 75 year old worn out POS if I have to, but I won't sit still for that shit.