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Monday, November 28, 2022

Reuters - After China's Protest Weekend - COVID Cases Hit Record


Glynn Kalara said...

China arrogantly thought it had beat COVID by brute force, but the disease mocks the Chinese Communist attempt to contain it. The reasons are many, but a few are that the Covid the party wants to fight doesn't exist anymore and by locking its people up it's actually exposed them to the disease because the present variants are super infectious and spread easily inside Apt. building where most Chinese live. Another reason China is experiencing a surge is the vaccine it gave everyone is useless against these new variants and the third reason is by keeping the earlier variants at bay through lock downs it left hundreds of millions of Chinese even more vulnerable because there is little natural immunity build up by prior infections like here. New Zealand had the same thing happen during Omicron. It had bragged it had stopped the virus up until Omicron and it went wild inside the Country once it got in with tourists. Covid is mutating now so quickly it's hard to use vaccines anymore to keep up with it.

Jim Sande said...

All of that is leading to major upheaval and the people are pissed. In China they just repress the hell out of it, arrests, brutality, all of that. In a way Iran and China are in a similar place, politically, where a large segment of the population wants to topple the government. Russia has some of that too. I'm all for it.