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Thursday, November 24, 2022


 NY Times: Why Does the U.S. Have So Many Mass Shootings? Research Is Clear: Guns. By Max Fisher and Josh Keller

A 2015 study estimated that only 4 percent of American gun deaths could be attributed to mental health issues.


Mark said...

"guns themselves cause the violence" vs. "my cold dead hands" The same argument forever...

It's our Wild West Ways that nurture violence. It's who we are as a society. And since WE ain't gonna change as a culture anytime soon, nothing will change without regulation. If we could only see our way to treating gun ownership like auto ownership/safety, we could make a dent in the violence. As long as the lobbies control the lawmakers, that doesn't happen. Rinse and repeat.... :(

Glynn Kalara said...

I saw a post on Instagram that sums up the whole gun debate it said: If Guns don't kill people & it's people that kill people, then why are we giving guns to people since they're the problem?

Jim Sande said...

It's all about the easy access to guns and the massive proliferation of them. At the rate they are available, mixed with the heightened use of extremist social media, there is now a culture of the mass shooter. Plus there are directions that this culture is obsessed with - gays, Jewish people, Muslims, co-workers etc. It's a mix that leads to extreme violence particularly at the hands of mostly youngish white males who are having a very difficult time finding a way to be in the world. This kid that shot up the gay nightclub in Colorado didn't have a chance. His father is as whacked out as it gets and he clearly had no functional sense of self, that is both the father and the shooter.