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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Yes And No

 Washington Post: Opinion The GOP makes its choice: Trump, yes. Rule of law, no. By E.J. Dionne Jr.


Glynn Kalara said...

The El TRUMPO KULT HATES the very phrase the "Rule of Law". They see that idea as another Libtard notion to be trashed immediately. They believe in the rule of FORCE. The Law of the Jungle where the strong eat the weak and use their kids as dessert. Arms out streched toward the sky, heads bowed in submission to their Orange OverLord they march Backasswards into the Future/Past whatever.

Jim Sande said...

I was thinking SNL might do a Trump cult deprogramming skit, lots of material there. The thing about McCarthy threatening Garland with oversight when the R's take over in November may actually work against them. It's an opportunity for Garland to get across to MAGA what a corrupt POS Trump is.