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Monday, July 25, 2022


  I just realized why the DOJ is not indicting Trump or is hesitant to indict Trump. It's because on the day of his indictment, Trump will call on his 'army' AKA QAnon, Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, etc etc etc to start shooting. The DOJ is concerned about how to counter the civil war that MAGA world wants.


Glynn Kalara said...

So, they're giving into intimidation and expect less of it? Let's get this over. Just follow the law Merrick don't worry about what the seditionists might do, that's what this is all about if you hadn't noticed. Trump is a traitor and a seditionist, and he needs to be brought to Justice. The Biden admin. is starting to look like the Buchanan Admin. in 1859. Cowardly and unwilling to defend the Union.

Jim Sande said...

I think it's got to be something they are aware of and are considering. The civil war rhetoric is present with MAGA and recall Trump with his stand by stand down nonsense. Plus it's Trump, he would do the unimaginable because that what he's already done. He's already attempted a coup, a violent murderous coup. There's no low that Trump would not do to save his blubbery ass.