Monday, February 01, 2021


Washington Post: Opinion: Trumpism is American fascism by Michael Gerson


Glynn Kalara said...

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a pretty good bet it's a duck. Its scary how many people all around us are unwitting or worse witting adherents to this neo-fascist movement.

Jim Sande said...

The GOP has spent years equating democracy with socialism, and then with all sorts of extreme evils. This is the force of the right wing echo chamber.

Glynn Kalara said...

I agree, it didn't happen overnight and trump largely just used all of it to get into office. It's not just going to stop either, so the BIG ? is how do we defeat it? It's going to take more then just Joe Biden and a 50/50 Congress. The right knows damn well it has a deeply flawed system tilted hard right by the founders somewhat unwittingly. They created a Republic but hundreds of years of people created a semi-democratic Republic the one they left us was anything but that. Sadly, even today what they constructed is a BIG part of the problem. Should 99% white Wyoming ( pop. 575K) have two Senators and 75% black black DC ( 750K) have ZERO Senators? It goes on and on that way. The GOP is now HELL-bent on even further gaming the system with it's already deeply built in fl;aws in their favor. Even with all of that many on the right want to can the whole thing and go full rightwing Dictatorship. It's a bad situation that four yrs. of Trump made far worse.